another winner from
simply recipes, this pumpkin cheesecake is always a
big hit.
it was perfect for thanksgiving dessert, and we'll probably have it for christmas too
start with some pecans, flour, brown sugar, and graham cracker crumbs
add to food processor and pulse |
add butter and egg yoke, pulse until mixture is uniform |
press into a springform pan and bake at 375 for 10 minutes |
next empty 2 cans pumpkin puree onto a paper towel or cheesecloth
and soak up as much excess liquid as possible (this took more than half a roll of paper towels - be prepared!) |
in a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice |
stir together with pumpkin puree, salt, vanilla, and bourbon |
i used old grand-dad bourbon :) |
add 5 eggs and beat in. set aside |
in a large mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and brown sugar until smooth
gradually add pumpkin mixture and beat until fully combined |
wrap your pain in aluminum foil and place in a large pan with sides |
add your cheesecake filling and set on oven rack |
pour a large pot of boiling water into the larger pan.
you want the water to go about halfway up the sides of the pan the cheesecake is in. |
this is called a water bath and provides moist heat to the cake, which helps prevent it from cracking
bake for 1.5 hours. then prop oven door open and let cool for 1 hour |
next you'll remove the cheesecake from the oven and allow it to cool completely to room temperature. chill overnight in the fridge.
when it's finally time to serve, unlatch your springform pan and place on a pretty pedestal |
when i made this cheesecake last christmas, i only had 1 can of pumpkin puree. so i improvised and added a cup of nutella to the filling mixture.
crazy, but it actually worked.
i did it right this year for thanksgiving and everybody loved it.
click here for the recipe. after all the eating i did this weekend, i am suddenly too lethargic and lazy to type anything else.
good day to you.